Monday, December 5, 2011

My tips: love them or hate them

Note: I have not mentioned store names outside the US, but I am confident that you will find these solutions everywhere.
1.       If you are tired that the mirror/glass in your bathroom gets dirty with water marks or toothpaste marks (HAHA), then you can buy Anti-Tinter mirror sheet from any local lowes or home depot or even Wallmart. This will never let any stain stay on your mirror and you can never make out that a sheet is pasted on the mirror. This is a very economical solution ($5) and you will never have to clean your mirror again. A shiny bright mirror for you.

2.       Is it tiring to use a peeler to peel potatoes, cucumbers etc. all the time? Especially when you are expecting guests and have to make that last minute salad? Any krogers or other food store has a liquid called veggie peel mask, in which, you have to soak the veggies for 3 minutes and ooh la la, the peel comes off on its own. You can buy this bottle for a discounted price if you take 10 of them.( 10 for $10)
3.       You hate those snuggies, and are tired of throws?  Target and macys have a new Bi-polar sheet protector which looks very urban and also has polar magnetic effects which maintains your body balance and keeps you in good health and mood. Again, it comes for only $30 and stays lifelong.
4.       You think your shoe rack smells weird. Oh you think it doesn’t? Please go and check again.  You have tried those home perfumes/fresheners and the combination smell only makes it worse? Just use iodized salt and sprinkle them in your shoes for a day. The smell will vanish.
5.       My last tip: Tired of filling water in those filter jugs? Science has proven that if you cannot filter water, then take water in your mouth and gargle it thrice and it kills more bacteria than a filter.

Ok folks, thanks for reading the above. But before you try any of the above, let me tell you that the above info contains only imaginary stuff that I wish the world had, but, none of it is true!!! I thought it would be cool to play around a little. Caught ya!
Disclaimer: lowes, Macys, target, wallmart, krogers, homedepot, all this was a joke for some fun.